Posted in 4000 Student Policies.

4119 - Student Education Occupational Plans (SEP/SEOP)

Student Education Occupational Plans (SEP/SEOP)    4119

1.Student Education Occupational Plans (SEP/SEOP)

1.1.It is the policy of the Piute County School District to develop a personalized Student Education Plan (SEP) or Student Education Occupational Plan (SEOP) for each student which shall:
1.1.1.Recognize the student's accomplishments and strengths.
1.1.2.Focus on education and career development goals and progress.
1.1.3.Make use of relevant information and data on student progress. 

1.2.The benefits of the SEP/SEOP includes:

1.2.1. Assisting students to acquire knowledge to make reliable, useful and timely data on student progress available to parents, educators and students.
1.2.2.Helping students acquire knowledge and skills to enable them to take responsibility for their decisions and make appropriate choices.

2.Elementary Schools Conference:

2.1.Hold two annual individual SEP conferences for each student in grades K-6 involving student, parent or guardian, and school personnel.
2.2.Provide training to teachers on their role in assisting in the development and implementation of SEP's.
2.3.Each elementary school SEP shall contain:
2.3.1.Relevant data about the student's progress, accomplishments, strengths, and areas needing attention.
2.3.2Evidence of at least two annual conferences involving the student, parent or guardians and school personnel.
2.3.2.Student education and career awareness/development goals which will be monitored by the student, parent or guardian, and teacher.
2.3.3A student/teacher/parent contract will be utilized as part of the SEP process. A copy of this contract is provided in this policy. Copies should be given to parents and kept on file in each student's record at the school.

3.0.Secondary schools conference

3.1.Hold annually one individual and one small group SEOP conference involving the student, parent or guardian, and school personnel.
3.2.Provide training to teachers on their role in assisting in the development and implementation of SEOP's.
3.3.Each secondary school SEOP shall contain:
3.3.1.Relevant data about the student's progress, accomplishments, strengths, and the completion of requirements and/or competencies.
3.3.2.Board approved testing related to improving student self-knowledge and educational/occupational planning.
3.3.3.Evidence of career cluster selection by grade 10 including course plan appropriate to selected cluster.
3.3.4.Evidence of post-secondary educational and occupational planning.
3.3.5.Evidence of parental involvement opportunities and one individual and one small group to develop the student's SEOP.
3.3.6.Where applicable, indication of plans for early graduation.