Piute County School District,

We want to give all the parents and the community more regular updates on the progress of the elementary school's design. The past couple months have primarily been evaluating the building lots and the possible footprints for the schools. We now have at least drafts of the topographic and geotechnical surveys for both lots. Below is a link to the surveys and some of my notes from discussing them with the architects and engineers.

Our last meeting with the architects was June 5th and the architects presented a first draft of a basic layout for the schools. The drafts were what you might call a napkin sketch. There were no really specific details, merely boxes placed over the aerial image of the lots. Some of the points that were discussed included….

  • Both school communities really want to keep playing fields. Any field disrupted by a new building would need to be replaced somewhere else on the lot.
  • Both schools would like to have the lunchroom separate from the gym.
  • Oscarson Elementary would like to have a formal stage with curtains either on the side of the gym floor or on one of the ends
  • Circleville Elementary would prefer a bigger gym area with more bleachers and then use the gym floor as a stage as needed.
  • The two schools could have a similar design, but scaled down and modified for Oscarson. Offices, gyms, restrooms, food services toward the center, younger grades on one end, older grades on the other end.
  • Having a separate smaller playground for the younger grades and preschool is a priority for both schools.

After our next meeting I’ll get a copy of those sketches and provide them. It’s anticipated that the design process will take at least until late fall to complete. We welcome feedback at any point in the process. We will conduct specific community meetings along the way to allow the community to see the plans and provide suggestions.



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500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
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