- Piute High School
- PHS Bell Schedule
- Alumni Magazine
- Educator Licensing
- Alumni T-Shirt Survey
- Special Education
- Computer Science Grant
- 2021 Climate Survey
- Week 32 Monday Motivation
- Week 31 Monday Motivation
- Week 30 Monday Motivation
- Week 29 Monday Motivation
- School Board Meeting Link
- Week 28 Monday Motivation
- Week 27 Monday Motivation
- Week 26 Monday Motivation
- The Alumni Project
- Week 25 Monday Motivation
- Week 24 Monday Motivation
- Week 23 Monday Motivation
- Week 22 Monday Motivation
- Week 21 Monday Motivation
- Week 20 Monday Motivation
- BirdWatch
- Week 19 Monday Motivation
- Week 18 Monday Motivation
- Week 17 Monday Motivation
- Week 16 Monday Motivation
- Week 15 Monday Motivation
- Week 14 Monday Motivation
- Week 13 Monday Motivation
- Week 12 Monday Motivation
- Week 11 Monday Motivation
- Week 10 Monday Motivation
- Week 9 Monday Motivation
- Return From Temporary Closure Information
- Week 8 Monday Motivation
- Temporary Online Learning Transition Information
- Week 7 Monday Motivation
- Week 6 Monday Motivation
- Week 5 Monday Motivation 2020-2021
- PHS Home
- PHS Facebook
- Piute High School
- PHS Information
- Counseling
- Student Planning
- Four Year Plans
- Course Descriptions
- CTE Pathways
- Graduation Requirements
- Resourse Links
- CCRP's
- CCRP Resourses
- Activities & Sports
- Academics
- School Land Trust
- PHS Nutrition
- Circleville Elementary School
- CES Nutrition
- Oscarson Elementary School
- OES Nutrition
- District Office
- Hotline Numbers
- Week 39 Monday Motivation
- Week 38 Monday Motivation
- Week 37 Monday Motivation
- Week 36 Monday Motivation
- Week 35 Monday Motivation
- Week 34 Monday Motivation
- Week 33 Monday Motivation
- Week 32 Monday Motivation
- Week 31 Monday Motivation
- Week 30 Monday Motivation
- Week 29 Monday Motivation
- Week 28 Monday Motivation
- Internal Audit Committee
- Week 27 Monday Motivation
- Week 26 Monday Motivation
- Week 25 Monday Motivation
- Week 24 Monday Motivation
- Week 23 Monday Motivation
- Week 22 Monday Motivation
- Week 21 Monday Motivation
- Week 20 Monday Motivation
- Week 19 Monday Motivation
- Week 18 Monday Motivation
- ARP ESSER III District Plan
- Week 17 Monday Motivation
- Week 16 Monday Motivation
- Week 15 Monday Motivation
- Week 14 Monday Motivation
- Week 13 Monday Motivation
- Week 12 Monday Motivation
- Week 10 Monday Motivation
- Week 9 Monday Motivation
- Week 8 Monday Motivation
- Week 7 Monday Motivation
- Week 5 Monday Motivation
- Week 6 Monday Motivation
- Week 4 Monday Motivation
- Title I
- Civil Rights Disclosures
- Sports Schedule
- Monday Motivation Week #1
- Monday Motivation Week #2
- Monday Motivation Week #3
- Summer Lunch Program
- Basketball State Vouchers
- Submitting Support Tickets
- Extended Free Meal Program
- Uncategorised
- Super Monday Week 31
- Super Monday Week 30 SY25
- Super Monday Week 28 SY25
- Super Monday Week 27 SY25
- Super Monday Week 26 SY25
- Super Monday Week 25 SY25
- Super Monday Week 24 SY25
- Super Monday Week 23 SY25
- Super Monday Week 23 SY25
- Super Monday Week 21 SY25
- Super Monday Week 20 SY25
- Super Monday Week 19 SY25
- Super Monday Week 18 SY25
- Super Monday Week 17 SY25
- Super Monday Week 16 SY25
- Super Monday Week 15 SY25
- Super Monday Week 14 SY25
- Super Monday Week 13 SY25
- Super Monday Week 12 SY25
- Super Monday Week 11 SY25
- Super Monday Week 11 SY25
- Super Monday Week 10 SY25
- Super Monday Week 9 SY25
- Super Monday Week 8 SY25
- Super Monday Week 7 SY25
- Super Monday Week 6 SY25
- Super Monday Week 5 SY25
- Super Monday Week 3 SY25
- Super Monday Week 2 SY25
- Super Monday Week 1 SY25
- Truth-In-Taxation Meeting Notice
- Elementary Design Update June 6th, 2024
- Super Monday Week 39 SY24
- Super Monday Week 38 SY24
- Super Monday Week 37 SY24
- Super Monday Week 36 SY24
- Super Monday Week 35 SY24
- Super Monday Week 34 SY24
- Super Monday Week 33 SY24
- Super Monday Week 32 SY24
- Super Monday Week 31 SY24
- Super Monday Week 30 SY24
- Super Monday Week 29
- Super Monday Week 28 SY24
- Super Monday Week 27 SY24
- Super Monday Week 26 SY24
- Super Monday Week 25 SY24
- Super Monday Week 24 SY24
- Super Monday Week 23 SY24
- Super Monday Week 22 SY24
- Super Monday Week 21 SY24
- Super Monday Week 20 SY24
- Super Monday Week 19 SY24
- Super Monday Week 18 SY24
- Super Monday Week 17 SY24
- Super Monday Week 16 SY24
- Super Monday Week 15 SY24
- Super Monday Week 14 SY24
- Super Monday Week 13 SY24
- Super Monday Week 12 SY24
- Super Monday Week 11 SY24
- Super Monday Week 10 SY24
- Super Monday Week 9 SY24
- Super Monday Week 8 SY24
- Super Monday Week 7 SY24
- Super Monday Week 6 SY24
- School Consolidation Town Hall Meeting
- Super Monday Week 5
- Super Monday Week 4
- Super Monday Week 3 - SY24
- Super Monday Week 2 - SY24
- Super Monday Week 1 - SY24
- Superintendent Monday Messages
- School Consolidation Proposal
- PSD Footer
- Resources available for community members
- Employee Login
- Week 39 Monday Motivation
- Week 38 Monday Motivation
- Week 37 Monday Motivation
- Week 36 Monday Motivation
- Week 35 Monday Motivation
- Week 34 Monday Motivation
- Week 33 Monday Motivation
- Computer Science Grant
- Superintendent Announcement
- Free Online Tax Filing
- 2019-2020 Calendar
- COVID-19 Resources
- Tutoring Schedule 2017-18
- CCRP's 7th & 8th Grade
- Public Notice 2017 - 2018 Board Meeting Schedule
- 4087 - Student Discpline
- Proxy Apps
- Emergency Plan
- Administration Forms
- Professional Development Request
- Piute County School District Finance
- Vehicle Request Form
- Benefit Forms & Information
- School Board Documents
- Collective Bargaining
- PCSD Policies
- School Land Trust Program
- Board of Education
- Blog
- Salary Schedule
- Piute County School District Policies
- 1000 Organization
- 1113 - BBD - Board Members: Conflicts of Interest
- 1200 - Mentor Program Policy
- 1150 - Transportation Director
- 1147 - Speech Language Technician Job Description
- 1165 - Electronic Meetings
- 1161 - Sterling Scholar Advisor
- 1148 - Athletic Director Job Description
- 1144 - Coach Job Description
- 1145 - Club Advisor
- 1134 - Techonology Director Job Description
- 1139 - Para-educator Job Decription
- 1142 - Speech Specialist
- 1140 - Special Education Director
- 1163 - Curriculum Adoption
- 1135 -Technology Support Staff
- 1112 - Board Compensation Policy
- 1137 - District Literacy Coach
- 1010 - Collective Bargaining Agreement
- 1158 - School Mental Health Coordinator
- 1157 - District Psychologists
- 1156 - District Nurse
- 1154 - District Secretary
- 1149 - Food Service
- 1146 - School Secretary
- 1143 - Custodian All Purpose
- 1141 - School / Special Function Bus Driver
- 1138 - Teacher
- 1136 - Principal Job Description
- 1133 - Business Administrator
- 1130 - Superintendent of Schools
- 1125 - Superintendent Termination
- 1123 - Procedure for Board Evaluation
- 1122 - Board Committees
- 1121 - Agenda
- 1114 - Board Meeting Procedure
- 1111 - Policy Development
- 1009 - Board Responsibilities
- 1008 - Election and Organization
- 1007 - Parent & Family Engagement
- 1006 - Code of Conduct
- 1003 - District Philosophy
- 1001 - Organizational Chart
- 1159 - School Counselor
- 1000 - Introduction
- 2000 - 3000 Personnel
- 2089 - DDC - Reporting Substantial Threats
- 2095 - DAJ - Accommodations for Religious Belief of Conscience
- 2046 - Licensing Policy
- 2072 - Educator Exit & Engagement Survey
- 2098 - Code of Conduct Policy
- 2098 - Employee Bullying and Hazing
- 2064 - Employee Evaluation
- 3074 - Communication Policy
- 2091 - Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education
- 2070 - Hiring and Interveiwing Policy
- 2094 - Complaint Policy
- 3078 - Concealed Weapon on District Property
- 2090 - Reporting of Child Abuse
- 2042 - Employment Background Checks
- 2043 - Licensed Staff
- 2047 - Staff Leave Policy
- 2052 - Death Benefit
- 2053 - Retirement Incentive Policy
- 2060 - Salary Schedule Steps & Lanes
- 2063 - Assignment, Reassignment, and Transfer
- 2084 - Reduction In Force
- 2092 - DHC - Grievance Procedure
- 2096 - Discrimination and Harassment
- 2110 - Employee Drug Policy
- 3002 - Physical Examination
- 3004 - Orientation
- 3024 - Resignation
- 2117 - Travel Expenses
- 3031 - Personal Growth
- 3042 - Education Association Leave
- 3047 - Vacation and Holidays
- 3049 - Vacation Request Form
- 2105 - Drug and Alochol Free Workplace Policy
- 3076 - DMA - Employee Devices Acceptable Use Policy
- 3077 - DMB - Employee Acceptable Use of District Electronic Devices
- 2064 a - Educator Evaluation
- 2064 b - Classified Evaluation
- 2093 - Substitutes
- 2087 - Orderly Termination of Employee
- 2065 - Extra Duty
- 2041 - Payroll Procedures and Benefits
- 4000 Student Policies
- 4023 - FDH - Kindergarten Student Toilet Training
- 4022 - FBAC - Admission and Attendance Kindergarten
- 4124 - Emotional Support Animals
- 4089 - On Premise Law Enforcement and DCFS Investigation
- 4011 - Attendance Policy for Elementary Students
- 4090 - Bullying, Cyberbulling, Harassment, and Hazing
- 4081 - Jr. High Remediation
- 4082 - High School Credit Recovery & Intervention
- 4094 - Pregnant Students
- 4005 - Constitutional Freedoms in Public Schools
- 4095 - FGE - Student Complaint
- 4002 - Equal Educational Opportunity
- 4003 - FBA - Admissions and Attendance
- 4010 - Attendance Requirements
- 4019 - Dress and Grooming Standards
- 4024 - Transfers and Assignments
- 4036 - Student Records
- 4075 - Activities
- 4076 - Eligibility to Participate in Student Activities
- 4077 - Dual Enrollment/Homeschooled Participation
- 4080- Graduation Requirements for Foreign or Homeschooled Study
- 4087 - Student Discipline
- 4091 - Student Suspension and Expulsion
- 4091a - Safe schools and appropriate conduct
- 4091b - Weapons Possession & Gangs Participation
- 4098 - School Choice B
- 4102A - Student Use of Controlled Substances
- 4114 - General Policies
- 4115 - Student Release
- 4102B - Tobacco Policy with Guidelines
- 4118 - Liability for Property Damage
- 4119 - Student Education Occupational Plans (SEP/SEOP)
- 4120 - Discrimination and Harassment Student
- 4121 - Work-Based Learning
- 4122 - Interfering Devices and Electronic Communication Devices
- 4006 - Admissions and Attendance Foreign Exchange Students
- 4079 - Graduation Requirements
- 4093 - Student Rights and Responsibilities: Interrogations and Searches
- 4007 - GCE - Parents Rights & Academic Accommodations
- 4001 Student Rights and Responsibilities
- 4015 - Section 504
- 5000 Education Programs
- 5009 - School Library Policy
- 5020 - Health Curriculum
- 5018 - Adult Education Attendance Policy
- 5001 - Instructional Goals and Objectives
- 5003 - Instructional Goals and Objectives Evaluation
- 5005 - School Year
- 5006 - School Day
- 5007 - Textbooks and Supplementary Materials
- 5008 - Nonadopted Teaching Materials Review
- 5012 - Driver Education
- 5004 - Vistors to Schools
- 5013 - Use of Technology & Media Materials
- 5014 - Request to Show Movies/Videos
- 5015 - Special Education Policies and Procedures
- 5043 - Reporting Student Achievement
- 5045 - Homebound Program
- 5048 - Home Instruction Requirement
- 5050 - Home School Request Form
- 5050a - Compulsory Attendance Exemption
- 5052 - AUP for Employees
- 5053 - Student Acceptable Use Agreement
- 5065 - Wellness Policy
- 6000 Fiscal Policies
- 6006 - Procurement Procedures Policy
- 6002 - Cash Management
- 6003 - Applying For & Administering Federal Grants
- 6004 - Purchasing Equipment With Federal Funds
- 6016 – Time and Effort Reporting
- 6010 - Credit Cards
- 6007 - Food Services Procurement Policy
- 6015 - Student Fee, Fines, and Charges
- 6001 - District Budget
- 6006 - Procurement Procedures
- 6008 - Financial Procedures for Principals
- 6009 - Financial Contribution Requests Made to Board
- 6011 - Maintenance and Operation of Physical Facilities
- 6017 - Audit
- 6018 - Insurance
- 6019 - Investments
- 6020 - Safety
- 6023 - Destruction of Obsolete Books
- 6025 - Sales Calls and Demonstrations
- 6026 - Gifts and Requests
- 6027 - Safety and Risk Management
- 6029 - Accessibility by Handicapped Persons
- 6030 - Fundraising Policy
- 6028 - Donation, Gifts, and Sponsorships Policy
- 6005 - Cash Receipts Policy
- 7000 - Technology / Security / Buildings
- 8000 Emergency Policies
- 9000 Transportation Policies
- 9015 - Transportation Guidelines
- 9006 - Transportation Accident Guidelines
- 9001 - Transportation, Planning and Funding, Route Planning
- 9016 - Rental of Piute School District Buses
- 9075 - Unauthorized Persons on Buses
- 9008 - Rules Governing Use of School Buses/Vehicles
- 9010 - Guidelines for Utah School Buses and Operators
- 10000 Medical Policies
- 10037 - Naxolone Administration
- 10032 - Health Requirements and Service Medical Treatment
- 10035 - Students Infected with Aids, HIV or ARC
- 10007 - Medical Recommendations by School Personnel to Parents
- 10005 - Vision Screening at Enrollment
- 10010 - Student Self-Administration of Asthma or Diabetes Medication
- 10033 - Concussion and Head Injury
- 10028 - Health Policies
- 10012 - Health Requirements and Services
- 10034 - Procedure for Head Lice
- 10001 - Immunization for Employees
- Vaccine Declination Form
- Medical Release Forms
- 10002 - Suicide Prevention
- 11000 Misc. Policies
- 11027 - Covered Furniture
- 11025 - Cleaning Products Brought From Home
- 11007 - School Meals Charges
- 11017 - GRAMA
- 11009 - Constitutional Prayer
- 11023 - School Community Councils
- 11001 - Telephone
- 11002 - Advertisements
- 11004 - Relation with Governmental Agencies and Authorities
- 11005 - Opening Remarks to Begin Piute School Board Meeting
- Job Openings
- Strategic Plans and Goals
- Custodian Strategic Plan 2018-2019
- District Mission and Goals
- Early Literacy Plan 2018-2019
- District Literacy Plan 2018-2019
- Career and Technology Education Strategic Plan 2018/2019
- Special Education Strategic Plan 2018-2019
- Circleville Elementary Strategic Plan
- Oscarson Elementary Strategic Plan 2018-2019
- Counseling Plan
- PHS Strategic Plan
- District Custodial Plan
- District Technology Vision
- Curriculum Guidance
- Elementray Lesson Schedule
- High School Lesson Schedule
- Responsive Services
- Social/Emotional Supports
- Tutoring and extended counseling hours
- Calendar
- Strategic Plan
- Closing the Gap
- About Piute County School District
- Support
- Parent / Student Pages
- Parent / Student Notices
- Student Registration
- Oscarson Elementary School Student Registration
- Circleville Elementary School Student Registration
- Piute High School Student Registration
- Technology
- Sidebar Menu
- Publisher Menu
- Event Tickets
- CTE Menu
- Footer Menu