A motivational and informational morning message from Superintendent Willis

Week 3~ August 26th, 2024

Super Monday Message

When Attila the Hun started raiding cities all over Europe many small villages began searching for places to evacuate to. The refugees near some coastlines sought refuge on small  islands not far from the mainland. In one particular case, refugees fled to a series of small islands in the Adriatic Sea. The islands were barely inhabitable and good for nothing in the eyes of the barbarians. The ground was soft and swampy all over. The story of how these refugees built a city there is quite remarkable.

Their first buildings had to be very lightweight to prevent them from sinking into the sea. To get a stable foundation to build on they brought thousands of logs out to the islands and pounded them into the clay as close together as possible. They would make a pointed end on each log and then pound it 16 feet or more into the clay. They would then cut all the logs off level and make a wooden platform just under the water. Keeping the wood underwater, unexposed to air, prevented the wood from ever rotting.

On the wooden platforms they put layers of water resistant marble that rose above the water level. With that foundation they would disassemble their home, church, or other building on the mainland and move the materials to the islands. They would rebuild on the platforms. Their island city was able to avoid many of the mainland conflicts and their easy access to the sea made them easy to trade with for other nations. Over hundreds of years the small islands became filled with buildings that appeared to be simply floating in the sea.

Though each of the little islands had different names and the names of many of them changed over the centuries, the collection of islands has been referred to for a long time now as Venice. For a thousand years the city was its own republic and one of the wealthiest cities in the world. Today the city is part of Italy. The city consists of 126 small islands and many are linked by a series of 472 bridges. The central city has over 250,000 residents and hosts over 5 million tourists each year.

With determination and sacrifice a group of refugees were able to convert a swampy group of islands into a beautiful and powerful city. The city is sinking about 6 inches every century, but those wooden foundation logs pounded in over a thousand years ago are still holding up many parts of the city. We’re happy to work with the rising generation of architects, engineers, and dreamers that will build the future. Have a great week 3.

Super High Fives

Just a couple of the awesome recent accomplishments that need a big thank you. 

  • A super high five to the alumni baseball players that gave the baseball team a close run in the alumni game on Friday. There was great food and great entertainment for all in attendance. Super high five to the team and families that helped organize the event.
  • A super high five to our new employees for this school year. This year Gretchen Moore stepped in as the new lead cook at Circleville Elementary. She didn’t quite have time to unbox her things in her new house before starting. We’re excited to have Darian Price as the secretary at Circleville Elementary. Julie Mayo is the new secretary at Oscarson Elementary. We’re excited to have her living in Piute full-time now. Cedar Jewkes (OES), Cole Payton (CES), and Jennifer Finn (PHS) joined the team as new paraprofessionals replacing Mcall Taylor, Yadis Monroy, and Glenda Reitz respectively. We added Hunter Tanner earlier in the year leading the new online school. Tammy Jenkins is a new part-time sweeper for Circleville Elementary. We also have several new substitutes, coaches, and volunteers. We are grateful for everyone that helps make school a great experience for our students.

Other Super Information

Super Weekly Schedule

Aug 26th
Aug 27th
Aug 28th
Aug 29th
Aug 30th
Aug 31st
PHS Day "A Day" “B” Day "A" Day "B" Day No School No School
PHS   Clubs Assembly

Baseball @ Valley

Volleyball @ Wayne

Cross County @ Escalante

Volleyball @ North Sevier


Back To School Night 6 PM

Preschool Begins 

    Spirit Thursday     

Back To School Night 6 PM

Preschool Begins  


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500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.