1156 - District Nurse
JOB SUMMARY: The District Nurse will act as School Nurse for all three schools. The school nurse will communicate and collaborate regularly with the superintendent and principals.
Establish procedures and practices that will establish safe immunization for all pupils.
Assist physicians and dentists in examination of pupils and in the reporting of findings to the principal.
Participate in the development of the health education program for our pupils.
Work with the principals in providing a healthy environment for our children.
Conduct and coordinate eye, ear, and general health checks on the pupils, including also height, weight, urine, posture.
See that all schools and school buses have adequate first aid equipment and supplies.
Be on call for emergency use to all principals.
Establish a schedule for as many school visits as possible.
Make certain that all pre-school, seventh grade, and athletes have evidence of a recent physical examination (within the last two months). This evidence must be on file in the principal's office.
By demonstration and other means, aid teachers, parents, and students in developing good health habits.
Assist in control of communicable disease through teaching the recognition of early symptoms, the importance of isolation, and the value of immunization.
Perform other duties as the Superintendent may assign.
Be available as a resource health specialist in the instructional program.