2093 - Substitutes

#2093 - Substitutes

If possible, all substitute teachers shall possess valid license in the subject matter for which they will be teaching or possess a valid license in a field commonly taught in public schools. It is desirable that all substitute teachers hold a valid teaching certificate or a college degree. However, the District may authorize the Superintendent to hire, as a substitute; an individual who the Superintendent determines is capable of managing a classroom and carrying out the instructional program, even though the individual may not qualify according to the criteria listed above.

An individual seeking employment as a substitute teacher shall furnish evidence to the District that the individual is physically and mentally fit to work.

Term of Service

A substitute may not serve in a teaching position for more than 20 school days in one academic year in either the same class or with the same group of students unless he or she possesses an appropriate license for the position exceptions may be made with superintendent approval.

Student Teachers as Substitutes

Student teachers may substitute in classes provided they also comply with the instructions and policies from the higher education institution which the student attends.

Paraprofessionals and Aides as Substitutes

Paraprofessionals and Aides may substitute in classes provided they comply with District and school policies.

Suspended Licensure

The District may not employ any individual whose license has been revoked or is currently suspended.

Adopted 7/9/07

Revised 12/10/24

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Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
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