4115 - Student Release


STUDENT SAFETY All persons who are not students or district employees who visit or enter upon school property shall report immediately to the school administrative offices for authorization by the principal or his designee to be present at the school. 
  Authorization shall not be given if the principal or his designee determines in his discretion that one of the following is true:
  1. The person's presence will likely cause fear for the safety of another.
  2. The person intends to cause annoyance or injury to a person or damage to property on the school property.
  3. The person intends to participate in or instigate conduct or activity which constitutes a crime.
Each school shall, through the use of signs and fences or other enclosures, exclude trespassers from the school.
Utah Code Ann. 53A-3-503
REMOVAL DURING SCHOOL DAY  No person shall be allowed to remove a student from school during the school day unless that person reports first to the principal at the school's administrative offices, and one of the following circumstances is true:
  1. The person positively identifies him or herself as the student's custodial parent or legal guardian, including identification of the person, as well as production of documentation sufficient to establish custodial rights to the child, if circumstances warrant it.
  2. The person is in possession of and produces a validly issued subpoena or Utah State Court order instructing the school to deliver the student to deliver the student to the person named in it, and the person can positively identify him or herself as the person named to receive the student in the subpoena.
  3. The person is a properly identified law enforcement officer in possession of a validly issued warrant naming the student, and the principal or his designee examines the warrant and is satisfied that the student is properly and sufficiently identified.

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500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.