5052 - AUP for Employees

Every Piute district employee will be required to sign this computer Acceptable Use Agreement for the school Year 2001-2002. This form supersedes previous forms. Employees who have signed a previous form must also complete this new form.

Computer use is often a valuable and necessary component of an employee's work. In addition, varying work responsibilities result in access to information sources such as software, programs, the Internet, district network, etc. Although employees may have access to these information sources, their use must have special authorization. Access and authorization to information sources, and equipment carry a corresponding responsibility to their appropriate use. District equipment and access is intended to be used for educational and professional or career development activities. Expectations of employees include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Student Personal Safety

A.Employees who supervise students with access to computer equipment shall be familiar with the Piute School District Student Internet Use Agreement and enforce its provisions.
B.All student computer use must be supervised. 
C.Illegal or Destructive Activities
D.Employees shall not go beyond their authorized access to the District network or other computer equipment or software including the files or account of others.
E.Employees shall not disrupt or attempt to damage or disrupt any computer, system, system performance, or data.
F.Employees shall not use District equipment to engage in illegal acts. 

2. System Security

A.Employees are responsible for the security of their computer equipment, files and passwords.
B.Employees shall promptly notify the District of security problems. 
C.Employees with access to student records may not use, release, or share these records except as authorized by Federal and State law. 
D.Students may not have access to computer equipment other than workstations.

3. Inappropriate Conduct

The following are prohibited in public, private or posted messages or files:
A.obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening or disrespectful language;
B.potentially damaging, dangerous or disruptive material; 
C.personal or generalized attacks or harassment;
D.false or defamatory information.

4. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement 

A.Works may not be plagiarized.
B.The rights of copyright owners are to be respected. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by copyright. If a work contains language that is protected by copyright, the expressed requirements should be followed. If an employee is unsure whether or not a work can be used, the copyright owner should be contacted for permission.
C.Software copyrights must be strictly respected.

5. Inappropriate Access to Material

A. District equipment shall not be used with material that is profane, obscene (pornographic) or advocates illegal acts, violence or discrimination.
B. The non-educational use of Internet games, MUDs (Multi-User Domains), and web chat is not allowed.
C. Inadvertent inappropriate access shall be reported immediately to the principal or supervisor.

6. Expectation of Privacy

Employees have no expectation of privacy in files; disks, documents, etc., which have been created in, entered in, stored in, downloaded from, or used on District equipment.

7. Services and Assumption of Risks

A.In the event, there is an allegation that an employee has violated this agreement; the employee will receive notice of the alleged violation and an opportunity to present an explanation.
B.Disciplinary actions in harmony with Corrective Discipline procedures will be tailored to meet the specific concerns related to the violation. Deliberate violations of this agreement (e.g. malicious acts or omissions; searching for, viewing or otherwise visiting pornographic or sexually explicit sites) are cause for immediate termination.
C.I have read and understand the Employee Computer Use Agreement and its provisions. I understand that violation of this Agreement is grounds for discipline and may be cause for immediate termination.

Name _____________________________    _____________    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________
    First                                                         Middle                     Last

Grade/Subject/Department ______________________________________________________

School/Location ______________________________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________    Date _____________________

Revised June 2001

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