8002 - Emergency Preparedness and Response

It is the policy of the Piute County School District Board of Education to require each school to
prepare and implement an emergency preparedness and response plan, which will be
reviewed annually by the School Community Council (SCC). The board directs district staff to
establish and maintain close working relationships with appropriate agencies, ensuring
community collaboration and communication in the event of an emergency.
The purpose of this policy is to promote the safety and welfare of students and staff, protect district facilities, and demonstrate cooperation with community agencies.

G-2: Administrative Procedures Emergency Preparedness

1. District Standard Emergency Plans:
    a. At least once every three years, the district will appoint a committee to review and develop or modify the Standard Emergency Plan to be used by all schools.
    b. The committee will consist of appropriate school and community representatives who may include school and district administrators, teachers, parents, community and municipal governmental officers, and fire and law enforcement personnel.
    c. The purpose of the Standard Emergency Plan is to:

  •        Establish a uniform format that is the same for all Piute County School District schools.
  •        Outline the procedures to be followed by all schools during emergencies.
  •        Provide guidelines to assist schools in identifying and incorporating specific school needs into their individual School Emergency Plans.
  • Establish a means of updating the School Emergency Plans as needed.

   d. Standard Emergency Plans will include three primary sections that:

  •         Provide general emergency resource and reference information, phone numbers and other contact information specific to each school.
  •        Describe emergency procedures.
  •        Provide information specific to the unique needs and features of each school.

2. School Emergency Plans:
    a. Schools are responsible for developing and implementing individual School Emergency Plans that are consistent with the district’s plan and designed to meet specific needs and features of each school.
    b. Schools will utilize the Standard Emergency Plan as the basis for their School Emergency Plan.
    c. By October 30 of each year, schools will review and update their School Emergency Plan utilizing the District Standard Emergency Plan. Updates to the School Emergency Plan will include new or changed names of responsible persons and their phone numbers.
   d. By May 15 of each year, schools will submit copies of their Emergency Preparedness Certification to the School Support  and Facility Services Departments.
   e. By July of each year, the district will certify to governing agencies that all schools have presented their School Emergency Plan to teachers, staff and students and that School Emergency Plans have been practiced at the local school level and have been made available to parents, local law enforcement, and public safety representatives.

3. Emergency Drill Reporting:
   a. Schools shall notify the School Support Department by email on a monthly basis, of all fire or other emergency drills that are required by law.

Student Health
Please follow these guidelines if your child is ill:

  •     Take time to notify the school.
  •    Before sending your child to school, be sure that s/he is well enough to be in school.
  •    Do not assume your child will get better at school.
  •    Understand that we have no provisions to care for sick children.

Illness at School
If you are ill in school, ask your teacher if you may go to the office. Please follow these four steps:
    1. Ask your teacher for a hall pass to come to the main office.
    2. You must report immediately to the secretary in the office.
    3. You will be allowed to go home only if your parents are contacted and approve of you going home.
    4. If your parents cannot be reached and you are not in an emergency situation, you will return to class.
If you are too ill to return to class, provisions will be made for you to rest at school.
Note: Office personnel cannot administer medicine
Medication can be administered at school under the following conditions:

  • All medication/pills, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter preparations, must be kept and administered by the proper protocol and policy PCSD

Utah Code §53-2-403
Utah Code §53A-3-402-18(d)(e)
Utah Administrative Code 277-400

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Piute County School District
500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.