Vaccine Declination Form
Piute School District
Vaccine Declination Form
Employee’s Name _____________________________________ Date: ________________________
School Name: ____________________________
I understand that because I work in an environment with possible exposure to vaccine-preventable illness, I may be at risk of acquiring a vaccine-preventable illness from an unvaccinated student or staff member at school.
However, I decline vaccination at this time. I understand that be declining vaccination, I continue to be at risk of acquiring a vaccine-preventable illness.
In the event of a disease outbreak, I understand that I may be sent home and remain at home as directed by Piute County School District in consultation with the Health Department. I understand that I can take personal leave, vacation leave (if applicable), emergency leave, or leave without pay with prior approval of my administration. I understand that I may not use sick leave.
________________________________________________ ________________________
Employee’s Signature Date