Week 31 Monday Motivation

Piute County School District,

I hope everybody had a great weekend. Most of the Monday Motivation messages are from books I’ve read, from classes I’ve taken, from lessons at church, from speakers at meetings, or from movies I’ve seen; but I draw a lot of motivation from just watching how each of you work with our students every day.

I want to give one specific example of how a member of our staff has inspired me to work harder and be better. When Mr. Barney was a Junior at Piute High School, I was a lowly 7th grader. I didn’t get to know him well then, but since his return to Piute I have had the opportunity to hear more of his story. 

Mr. Barney has always been pretty passionate about sports, but was not given the proper genetics to really excel at them in high school. Mr. Barney was one the few Piute High School students I’ve ever heard of that was cut from the basketball team. That didn’t dampen his enthusiasm for basketball or his pride in Piute High School sports. In fact, since returning he has been a basketball assistant coach, basketball bookkeeper and scorekeeper, volleyball line judge, and served in a dozen other capacities in younger athletic programs. He is also, of course, the current head softball coach. He is a great example of never giving up on something you love doing.

Many of our students come from low income families and have a lot of things working against them and their potential for success after high school. Mr. Barney came from very humble circumstances and had many of the same barriers our students face. Despite those barriers, after high school he served faithfully as a member of the United States military. He fought for our country in some of the most dangerous circumstances. He saw first hand some of the worst things humans can do to each other. After returning from the service he completed a bachelor's degree with a major in both History and English education; something few students with his background ever accomplish. 

Lots of people set goals for themselves that they never really take anywhere. I have watched as Mr. Barney has set difficult personal goals and then made them a reality. One great example is when he decided he wanted to learn how to draw. He started watching videos and asking advice from anyone who had any expertise on the matter. Within a year he went from no experience at all to doing contracted artwork. Mr. Barney is great at seeing a goal and pushing for it. 

Our faculty and staff do a great job teaching more than just their trade. Thank you for being go-getters, leaders, entrepreneurs, trail blazers, and friends.  

Have a great week 31,



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