Week 20 Monday Motivation

Piute County School District,

If you haven’t read the PHS Student Body Reporter’s article in The Byway, I think it was more motivational than anything I could have drafted….

New You in 2022

By Okley Sylvester

As  2021 winds down, 2022 is born. While some of us achieved our set goals in the last year, others goals were forfeited, failed, or forgotten. In the midst of a long, confusing, and potentially degrading year, I found the opportunity to observe the concepts possessed by persevering individuals. These principles have influenced me through a year of growth and will hopefully inspire others to reach their goals in 2022.

The first concept is discipline over motivation. This idea was brought to me by my friend, mentor, and early morning lifting coach, Kelton Price. Price often explained that motivation is good, but is only relevant when you feel motivated. There will be mornings when you do not want to wake up at 5:00 A.M. There will be nights when you do not want to go to sleep before 11:00 P.M. There will be times when you don’t want to study for a big exam. Motivation gets us through the days we want to go to work, but discipline keeps us grinding when we could be content with taking shortcuts.

Another person who has inspired me is David Goggins (arguably the toughest man alive). I have followed his life story through podcasts and posts. Something he said that has stuck with me the most is this: “Be uncommon among uncommon people.” This means to me, surround yourself with greatness. You should put yourself next to people who will challenge you to be better. Strive to associate yourself with people who are considered “uncommon” for their work ethic, and then outwork them. There is no glory in being the greatest among average people.

The next concept to understand is fear of failure. Growing from your failures is a cliché which is heard from various places. When the idea is delivered by leadership expert Jocko Willink it is realized that fear of failure is okay. Willink states, “Fear of failure will keep you working and thinking and striving and relentlessly trying to be more prepared.” He follows that by saying, “What I want you to be afraid of is waking up in six days, six weeks, six years, or sixty years, and being no closer to your goal.” Willink asks followers to be driven by fear of failure, but terrified of being stagnant.

The last concept is aligning your goals with your values and purpose. This is a crucial step in setting goals but only helps those who have found a specific purpose. The best advice for someone who is struggling with purpose is to help others. UFC commentator Joe Rogan said, “Someone else’s success does not equal a failure for you.” While pushing each other to reach goals we can discover our own purposes. 

The people quoted in this article have helped me and others by setting an example and creating a positive environment for others to feed off of. I advise others to look for successful individuals in their community, on social media, or on TV. Take note of what your role models do and apply their ideals to your own journey in 2022.

Happy New Year and Happy New You in 2022. Have a great week 20,



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