Week 23 Monday Motivation

Piute County School District,

It’s been said in many ways that you don’t truly know the value of something until it has been taken away. Access to a high quality education is very high in the United States, but in some countries that access is still very limited. In many middle eastern countries access to quality education is even more limited for girls. In 2017 a Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to a 17 year old girl named Malala Yousafzai for her advocacy for education for girls. She is the youngest ever recipient of such an award.

Malala was born and raised in Pakistan. Religious and political extremist groups were very hostile toward girls that wanted to go to school. When Malala was about the age of a 6th grader her family had to flee their home to escape such groups. Her father was an educational leader that operated a private school open to girls. Extremist groups were literally blowing up schools that educated girls. As these groups took over the area where Malala lived, her fathers life was being threatened.

In the fight to get an education, young Malala began writing a blog for the BBC detailing her experiences. She used a different name to protect her identity. As she became a teenager she began giving speeches and writing for other publishers about the access to education for girls. Once her identity as the BBC blogger was revealed, she became a target for extremist groups. Malala continued to boldly condemn the tactics of these groups on television and in print.

In October 2012, the 15 year old Malala was riding home from school on a bus with other teenagers. The bus stopped and two terrorist men boarded. They asked “Who is Malala.” Malala was shot at point blank range in the head. Miraculously, Malala survived the attack. A world renowned doctor was in the region and was rushed to her aide. Malala was already well-known and as news of the assasination attempt spread, help for Malala poured in. A luxury private plane outfitted as a hospital was provided to transport Malala on an 8 hour flight to a high-tech surgical room in England. Malala woke up from a coma 10 days after the attack.

Malala has now published books, given speeches around the world, and made a very big difference in the education of young girls. She wanted to be a doctor, but realized the world needed her to be a politician. Let’s never underestimate the power and value of education. We have a great opportunity every day to teach and learn. Thank you for being advocates for education.

Have a great week 23,



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