Special Education Strategic Plan 2018-2019

2018/19 School Year Strategic Improvement Plan for Special Education

The Piute Special Education program has increased the state from a 5 to a 1 in three years. One is the highest score that can be received. The special education program has highly qualified personnel and staff who have a passion for working with our students. Piute Special Education program has many strengths, these are: low drop out rate, a low suspension and expulsion rate, low findings of non-compliance, good dispute resolution, data timeliness and good pre-school outcomes. We have set several goals for continued improvement and compliance with state and federal laws.


  1. Continue internal monitoring to detect and repair instances of non-compliance as soon as possible and provide Professional Development around found areas of non-compliance and review quarterly.
  2. Students with speech/language disabilities and specific learning disabilities in grades 6-8 will improve their math proficiency score on the SAGE assessment by 11.11% over the next 4 years. Students with specific learning disabilities in grade 10 will increase their math proficiency score on the SAGE Assessment by 5% over the next school year.
  3. Students with speech/language and learning disabilities in grades 3-8 will increase their literacy scores as measured on the SAGE Assessment over the next three years. Students with specific learning disabilities in grade 10 will increase their literacy scores on the SAGE Assessment by 5% over the next school year.
  4. Piute will graduate at least 80% of students with disabilities.
  5. Piute School District will increase the percentage of youth who graduate with a diploma and have a disability and are enrolled in higher education or some other training program, or who are competitively employed within 1 year of leaving HS up from 0% to the state target of 75% .

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Piute County School District
500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.