Week 17 Monday Motivation

Piute County School District,

The New Zealand national rugby team is called the “All Blacks”. The team has worn all black uniforms with a silver fern for over a hundred years. The team has been called the best sports team ever! 11 nations have never won a single game against the All Blacks. No nation in the world has a winning record against the All Blacks.

The All Blacks strike fear into their opponents before a match even begins. In addition to the intimidating legacy the team carries with their name, opposing teams must also face the “Haka.” Prior to each match the New Zealand national team faces their opponents at mid-field and performs a dance of the native Māori people called the Haka. The Haka is called a dance, but it is not what you typically imagine as dancing. They stomp their feet, pound their chest, and chant in rhythm. Opposing teams try to act confident as the most powerful team in the world shouts at them in unison in the Māori language...

“I die! I die! I live! I live!

I die! I die! I live! I live!


It's my time! It's my moment!

Our dominance

Our supremacy will triumph”

The Haka frequently ends with the All Blacks making grotesque faces and sticking their tongues out at the opposing team. The All Blacks see the Haka as a time to call on the ancestors for assistance and to prepare them for battle. Such has been the success and legacy of the All Blacks that much of the rugby hall of fame is adorned with the silver fern. 

When you are awarded a position on the All Blacks team you are given a book. The book’s first few pages go year by year through the amazing accomplishments of the team. The next few pages of the book speak to the culture and character of the team. Then the rest of the book is just blank pages. The meaning of the blank pages is clear, you are expected to continue the legacy of the All Blacks and fill the pages.

 Our school district, our county, our state, and our nation have a deep legacy that we have been entrusted with preserving. Each office, classroom, and school has a history of hard working individuals that have helped shape our legacy. We are responsible for filling the blank pages for Piute County School District and shaping the future legacy. How will you be remembered?

I love our history and I thank you for preserving it, 

Have a memorable week 17,


If you have never seen the Haka… you should watch it….


Week 17 All Blacks

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